Women’s History & Social Work Month

March is an important month for celebrating and recognizing the contributions of women and social workers. Women's History Month and Social Work Month both offer opportunities to reflect on progress made, and on work that still needs to be done. These two observances intersect significantly, as women and social workers have been fighting for social justice and equality for many years.

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Professional Development Day at the Bowling Alley: Building Stronger Bonds and Fostering Diversity

On March 31%, 2023, many of the School Based Clinicians at Interdynamics, Inc. were invited to try something a little different. Instead of spending the day in Zoom meetings and seminars, we headed to the local bowling alley for an afternoon of fun, training, and learning.

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Dynamic Deeds

As we transitioned from 2022 to 2023, one thing we cannot forget about was how amazing the Interdynamics, Inc. team was with our Dynamic Deeds initiative. Below are pictures from you showing off the Dunkin breakfast as well as handing out the $50 Gift Card to a deserving student.

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